
ZAATAR: Can it make you smarter?

Palestinian Zaatar: Secret to Delicious Palestinian Meals

Watani & Sons

Palestinians and Middle Easterns love Zaatar! As children, many of us were told by our parents that it helps make us smarter. But based on scientific research is this true? Yes! And we’ll tell you why. First, let us discuss what Zaatar is. It is a delicious savory spice made of thyme, sesame seeds, sumac, salt and sometimes olive oil. It is often also eaten with olive oil and bread, and is excellent with cheese. What makes zaatar so special is not only its flavor but its nutritional value. Packed with antioxidants and nutrients that boost the immune system, fight inflammation (where many chronic diseases stem from), increases circulation and yes it does aid memory.

1) It aids memory/ brain power due to increased circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain.

2) It’s great for your respiratory tract, congestion, which is why thyme is often used for people suffering from the cold and flu and asthma.